Vehicle Shipping Guide

Vehicle shipping guide

SHIPYOURCARNOW.COM – Vehicle Shipping Guide

If you’ve never shipped a vehicle before, you may see it as a daunting task. As overwhelming as it may appear, if you follow this basic vehicle shipping guide, you are bound to get it right from your first time. No matter where you are shipping to, whether overseas or within the states, the process is similar except for few destinations. To make this easier to grasp, we’ll enumerate the whole process;

Vehicle Shipping Guide
Vehicle Shipping Guide – Picture of single car on open hauler.
  1. Do your Research

This cannot be over-emphasized. Know the shipping company you will be dealing with. A simple search on Google, Bing or Yahoo will reveal what you need to know about auto shipping companies.  This will reveal their credentials and reliability, you will also be able to do cost research and correlate the cost with their advantages. Don’t rely on just the quotes on their websites, put a call across and talk to their representatives and ask them questions:

FYI: ships thousands of cars each year.  Check out some reviews today.

  1. Comparison of Quotes

This is also part of your research but you are going a step further. You will need to compare the quotes in relation to the services to be provided. Don’t just look at the dollar amount, juxtapose it to the services to be rendered. The quote will definitely be different in terms of methods of shipping, time frame, and the insurance cost. If you are shipping overseas, there will also be an additional destination cost which is usually around $200-$300 if you are shipping to Europe.

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  1. Ask About Insurance

This is very important. Don’t be too excited about cheap quotes and forget to inquire about insurance. By insuring your car during shipping, you are securing the safety of your car and saving yourself undue stress. Most times, vehicle shipping company do have their own vehicle insurance program, but if they don’t you will have to seek for an alternative. Expect to pay between 1.5% and 2.5% of the value of the car. Ensure you know exactly what the insurance covers and what it is not. You should also know when the coverage start and end.

  1. Time Vs. Cost?

Depending on what you want and how big your purchasing power is, you have to decide if you want to ship ASAP or stick to the normal schedule of the shipper. You will be paying higher if you intent is to ship immediately. Most time, you will have to drive your car to the nearest terminal of your shipper, all depends on cost and time. In case you are shipping overseas, you may need to buy your own container and sort out the customs process. offers timely departures and also can meet most any requirement from “Need it Shipped Now” to “My baby needs to be shipped by itself and enclosed.”   For your needs call 866-390-0354

  1. Ascertain Vehicle Condition

Even if you are shipping to the nearest state to you, you need to carry out checks on the vehicle. This will help to know the state of physical health of the vehicles. Service the car to be shipped and give it a thorough washing, this will reveal the true state of the car. Dirt does a good job in hiding dents and dings. Ensure you also know the point of delivery, if you are not using a door-to-door service.

If it is shipped in an open container, it will get dirty.  But be sure everything is as expected before you sign away.

Thanks for your time, and hope you find this vehicle shipping guide helpful.

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