Virginia, Salalah and MOU and Their New Relations

With the Port of Salalah being one of the busiest shipping ports in the world, tending to over 2.5 billion consumers, what kind of effects could this have on international auto transport?

The port of Salalah is located in the heart of the Indian Ocean Rim, and it caters to some of the world’s largest sea vessels. With its stratigic location it is a perfect hub for the West Central Asia Region.

DailPress featured : ᔥVPA inks agreement with Arabian Sea port – Daily Press

The Virginia Port Authority signed a memorandum of understanding with an Omani port Friday, establishing a toehold in the important Suez Canal trade route.

The deal with the Port of Salalah was signed by its CEO, Peter Ford, and Russell J. Held, the VPA’s deputy executive director of development in Portsmouth.

The Port of Salalah is among the busiest trans-shipment ports in the world, and its location along the world’s “major East-West shipping lanes offers access to the Middle East, Indian sub-continent, East Africa, the Indian Ocean and more than 2.5 billion consumers,” according to a VPA press release.

“Our goal with this MOU is to share operational best practices, jointly market our good service connectivity, take advantage of the U.S-Oman free trade agreement and drive investment and business growth on both ends of the supply chain,” Held said.”This is an important relationship to cultivate because of Salalah’s strategic location,” said Held said. “The Middle East and Indian sub-continent are important markets for us, and the Suez trade route to and from Asia continues to grow in importance to The Port of Virginia.”

Last year more than a fifth of the cargo volume handled at the Port of Virginia flowed through the Suez Canal, according to the VPA.

The Suez, which is in Egypt, connects the Mediterranean and Red seas. The canal has no locks, and it can accommodate ships drafting 66 feet of water.

That means some of the largest vessels in international shipping transit the Suez.

“Many of the ships moving cargo along that trade route regularly take advantage of Virginia’s 50-foot-deep shipping channels because those vessels are so large that they require deep water to safely navigate,” the VPA notes.

International auto transport could see a turn for the better with the relations in the Port of Salalah. Many car carrying vessels use this port which carry many types of cargo, from international container shipping to international auto shipping.

( Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) at SYCN Auto Logistics-Alchemist, blending the best technology, analytics & service available. )

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